20. Ayurveda and Yoga as a Way of Life with Mas Vidal

Mas Vidal

August 23, 2016

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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is presented for educational and exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for diagnosing or treating any illness. Those responsible for this show disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information presented by Luke or his guests. Please consult with your healthcare provider before using any products referenced. This podcast may contain paid endorsements for products or services.

What does being ‘Spiritual’ mean to you? Does it mean that you have no problems? That you live in a cloud of rainbow-filled fairy dust, dancing your way through life like a cosmic unicorn? Or does it mean that you face your darkness, your ego- your lower self- so that you might find beyond that your own most true, higher self?

Or perhaps you think the whole notion of being spiritual is a bunch of new-age, trendy, woo woo bullshit. You see people wearing designer mala beads, doing seemingly impossible yoga poses while pretending to meditate under a majestic waterfall on Instagram, and you just think “Yeah right. That’s easy for you maybe, but I have a real life, a real job, a real family, and real problems to deal with”. Or maybe you’re just one of those unlucky, left-brain dominant, logically skeptical, intellectuals who can’t even fathom the thought of some unseen, loving, benevolent intelligence controlling the known universe- let alone a god- as being personally available to you for strength and guidance.

What if there was a simple, yet highly effective way to overcome life's biggest challenges? What if there were clear guidelines for taking care of your physical body, relationships, emotions, and even sex- that had been used, tested and vetted for thousands of years by millions of people? Wouldn't you have heard about it by now?? Well, it turns out that if you've spent the majority of your life being indoctrinated into modern Western culture, it's highly likely that you missed this spiritual boat. The name of this seeming elusive vessel is Ayurveda: The ancient lifestyle system from India that makes it possible for the most pragmatic, realistic, modern human to live a truly spiritual life down here on planet earth while keeping their two feet firmly planted on the ground.

Thanks to fearless, and dedicated truth-seekers like our guest Mas Vidal, we are the fortunate beneficiaries of this time-honored lineage of yoga and Ayurveda. This episode presents a very clear starting point for anyone who is ready to explore the way of the modern mystic.



“Spiritually can unfold only at a certain rate or pace and each person has to find that rhythm for themselves. There’s a process, and a time and cycle that you have to work with according to your karma””Being on the spiritual path is not an easy one. It’s actually the opposite. It’s the point in your life when you’re becoming a warrior and you’re having to confront all of your faults, all of your fears and problems, and you can’t run from those anymore””Be a spiritual nobody, just do your work”


  • Mas' own spiritual unfoldment
  • Each person has their unique unfoldment pace, and part of it is doing your best and surrendering
  • Ego and the battles in the spiritual journey
  • Vedic tradition vs Western culture: live in the world but don't become of this world
  • Pains, patterns and emotional bankrupt are often catalysts to spiritual desire
  • It's about being more than doing more
  • Ayurveda in a nutshell and how can we use it to enrich our lives
  • All the enjoyment is in nature
  • Core Ayurvedic herbs and elixirs that support the electrical force of life
  • Ayurvedic point of view on sex
  • Lifestyle recommendations


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